Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy of H3+

Collage by C. M. Lindsay; H3+ laboratory spectrum from A. R. W. McKellar; Jupiter H3+ emission image from J. E. P. Connerney.

January 16-18, 2006

Royal Society Discussion Meeting (Jan 16-17)

and a Satellite Meeting (Jan 18)

Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy of H3+

Organized by T. R. Geballe, D. Gerlich, T. Oka and J. Tennyson

(B. J. McCall, Secretary)

Monday 16 January 2006

9.15 Takeshi Oka
University of Chicago, USA
Introductory Remarks

Session 1

Chair Richard Porter
SUNY, Stony Brook, USA
9.30 Werner Kutzelnigg
University of Bochum, Germany
Explicity correlated potential energy surface of H3+, including relativistic and adiabatic corrections
10.00 Discussion
10.15 Alexander Alijah
University of Coimbra, Portugal
H3+ in the electronic triplet state
10.45 Discussion
11.00 Tea and Coffee

Session 2

Chair James Watson
National Research Council, Canada
11.30 Jennifer Gottfried
University of Chicago, USA
Near-infrared spectroscopy of H3+ above the barrier to linearity
11.50 Discussion
12.00 Juraj Glosik
Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Action spectroscopy of H3+ using overtone excitation
12.20 Discussion
12.30 Takayoshi Amano
Ibaraki University, Japan
Submillimeter-wave lines of H2D+ and D2H+ as probes into chemistry of cold dark clouds
12.50 Discussion
13.00 Lunch

Session 3

Chair Mats Larsson
Stockholm University, Sweden
14.00 Benjamin McCall
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dissociative recombination of cold H3+ and its interstellar implications
14.30 Discussion
14.45 Chris Greene
University of Colorado, USA
How H3+ and its isotopomers recombine efficiently at low energies
15.15 Discussion
15.30 Tea and Coffee

Session 4

Chair Alexander Dalgarno
Harvard University, USA
16.00 Andreas Wolf
Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik, Germany
Effects of molecular rotation in low-energy electron collisions with H3+
16.30 Discussion
16.45 Dieter Gerlich
Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany
Dynamical constraints and nuclear spin caused restrictions in H+ + H2, H3+ + H2, and deuterated variants
17.15 Discussion
17.30 Close

Tuesday 17 January 2006

Session 5

Chair Alan Carrington
University of Southampton
9.15 Daniel Zajfman
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik, Germany
Nuclear dynamics in the dissociative recombination of H3+ and its isotopomers
9.45 Discussion
10.00 Jonathan Tennyson
University College London
The role of asymptotic vibrational states in H3+
10.30 Discussion
10.45 Tea and Coffee

Session 6

Chair John Black
Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden
11.15 Thomas Geballe
Gemini Observatory, USA
H3+ toward and within the Galactic center
11.45 Discussion
12.00 Harvey Liszt
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA
What do we learn about the diffuse interstellar medium from observations of H3+?
12.30 Discussion
12.45 Lunch

Session 7

Chair Eric Herbst
Ohio State University, USA
14.00 Helen Roberts
University of Manchester
Deuterated H3+ as a probe of isotope fractionation in star-forming regions
14.30 Discussion
14.45 Charlotte Vastel
California Institute of Technology, USA
Deuterium enhancement in H3+ in pre-stellar cores
15.05 Discussion
15.15 Cecilia Ceccarelli
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble, France
Observations and theory of deuterated H3+ in the proto-planetary disks
15.35 Discussion
15.45 Tea and Coffee

Session 8

Chair Robert Joseph
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
16.15 Emmanuel Lellouch
Observatoire de Paris, France
Spectro-imaging observation of H3+ on Jupiter
16.35 Discussion
16.45 Steven Miller
University College London
H3+: the driver of giant planet atmospheres
17.15 Discussion
17.30 Close

Wednesday 18 January 2006 (Satellite Meeting)

Session 9

Chair Brian Sutcliffe
Universite Libre de Bruxelle, Belgium
9.00 Jürgen Hinze
Universitat Bielefeld, Germany
Rovibrational states of H3+
9.25 Discussion
9.30 Joel Bowman
Emory University, USA
A global potential energy surface, vibrational and reaction dynamics of H5+, H3+ + H2 and isotopomers
9.50 Discussion
9.55 Åsa Larson
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Theoretical study of the ion-pair formation in electronic recombination with H3+
10.15 Discussion
10.20 Tea and Coffee

Session 10

Chair Evgueni Nikitin
Israel Institute of Technology
10.50 Alexandre Faure
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, France
Electron impact rotational excitation of H3+: Relevance for dissociation dynamics and thermalization
11.10 Discussion
11.15 Holger Kreckel
Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik, Germany
Rotational and vibrational cooling of H3+ in laboratory experiments
11.35 Discussion
11.40 Simon Glover
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, Germany
H3+ cooling in primordial gas
12.00 Discussion
12.05 Alexander Turbiner
ICN-UNAM, Mexico
Molecular Systems in a Strong Magnetic Field
12.25 Lunch

Session 11

Chair Martin Jungen
University of Basel, Switzerland (to be confirmed)
14.00 Hanspeter Helm
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Germany
Experimental studies of non-adiabatic coupling in dissociation of excited H3 molecules
14.20 Discussion
14.25 Robert Continetti
University of California, San Diego, USA
Dissociation dynamics of Rydberg states of H3 and its isotopomers
14.45 Discussion
14.50 Stephan Schlemmer
Universität zu Köln, Germany
Probing H2D+ with FELIX and other laser sources
15.10 Discussion
15.15 Tea and Coffee

Session 12

Chair Tom Millar
University of Manchester
15.45 Miwa Goto
Max-Planck Institut für Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany
Absorption line survey toward the Galactic center: stars in Quintuplet and Sgr A* clusters
16.05 Discussion
16.10 Floris van der Tak
Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
Observations and models of H2D+ in star-forming regions
16.30 Discussion
16.35 Franck Le Petit
Observatoire de Paris, France
H3+ in diffuse clouds: The question of ionization in the interstellar medium
16.55 Discussion
17.00 Greg Harris
University College London
The role of H3+ in very metal deficient cool stars
17.20 Discussion
17.25 Closing
Jonathan Tennyson (to be confirmed)
University College London

Poster Session

H2D+: a light on the baryonic dark matter?, C. Dominik & C. Ceccarelli

Fesbach resonance of H3+, M. Jungen & M. Lehner

High-resolution visible spectroscopy of H3+, C. Morong, C. Neese, & T. Oka

H3+ as a trap for noble gases, F. Pauzat & Y. Ellinger

Search for H2 absorption lines toward the Galactic Centre, T. Usuda, M. Goto, N. Kobayashi, H. Terada, & K. S. Usuda

Possible configurations of clusters of H3+ and H2 and their energies, L. Ziemczonek, T. Wroblewski, & G. P. Karwasz

Ultracold molecular ions: towards precision spectroscopy of HD+, S. Schiller, B. Roth, H. Daerr, J. Koelemeu, & A. Nevsky

Deuterium chemistry in starforming regions, M. Emprectinger & M. C. Wiedner

The ion H3+ in a strong magnetic field in linear configuration, A. Turbiner, J. C. Lopez Vieyra, & N. L. Guevara

Exotic ion H3++ in strong magnetic fields: low-lying states, A. Turbiner, J. C. Lopez Vieyra, & N. L. Guevara

For additional information, contact
H3+ Resource Page
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